
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.




What's new:
  • Trigger capture widgets in journeys
  • NPS block for capture widgets
  • Prioritise capture widgets
  • Attribution for capture widgets
  • More flexibility in associating Salesforce objects via parent objects and linking to organizations
  • Filter archived contacts against field data
  • Import a CSV with Organization data only
  • Updated the "start from scratch" capture widget template designs
What's new:
  • Can now duplicate an audience
  • Extra activity streams can now be added as a billing add-on
  • Edit a journey email with an in-progress AB test
  • "Conversation closed" activities now include First response time and Total conversation time, only counting time during selected office hours
  • Added a button to copy the content from Version A into version B of an email AB test, and vice versa
  • Journey history now tracks when a shape was turned OFF and when an AB test winner was decided
  • Added an "Entered shape" column to split and condition shapes on the audience view of a journey
  • Set campaign name when duplicating an existing campaign
  • We now track the date a contact was archived, allowing for easy filtering
  • Subfolders now showing when selecting to replace a journey asset with existing asset



What's new
  • Show an inbox preview on the Campaign setup step
  • Define "office hours" for your teams in Talk to easily control online status
  • Added support for new link url tags '#orttonochange' and '#orttonotrack' which will prevent utms being added or link tracking applied to specific links respectively
  • Can now edit the dynamic row condition logic built using the "Builder" modal
  • Allow using a merge tag for the Campaign ID in a Salesforce campaign membership condition shape
  • New API endpoint to get a list of sent campaigns, like on the "Calendar" view in-app
  • Added a "total shapes" counter when adding shapes to Journey to help see how close to the limit you are
  • Build a "value contains X" filter against a multi-select field
  • Added an alert to a Contact's page if their email address is present in your Email suppression list
  • Clearer language when starting a Talk conversation that it won't send until your contact details are provided
  • Add a notification for the agent when a Conversation email handoff bounces
  • Added a "Logs" tab to the Tracked form capture widget to see failed submissions
  • Errors with your dynamic content JSON endpoint are now returned when you try to send a test email



What's new
  • An email Suppression list to keep track of emails you don't want to message without having them count towards your contact limit
  • Add sunset policies to automatically unsubscribe or archive unengaged contacts and keep your lists clean
  • Multi-currency fields can now be used in reports, including automatic conversion to the instance currency for accurate comparison
  • Use multi-currency field attributes in activities for attribution
  • Set your Sender ID and preferred From Number per SMS campaign/shape
  • Use editable tags to update imported HTML email content in Asset Manager flow
  • Added "email permission" field to Capture widget so users can choose instead of always automatically opting-in
  • An easy-to-use, dynamic content rule builder for email rows
  • New API endpoint to get a Campaign or asset report
  • Allow using Charge and Invoice Stripe data source activities as conversion activities
  • Remember previous field mapping when editing a Tracked form capture widget
  • Customers using an SPA can verify a new Talk session without requiring a page reload
  • Use Saved replies when composing a new Talk conversation
  • Users belonging to multiple teams can specify which team to create new conversations from
  • Option to remove "reply in messenger" link to Talk email notifications
  • Snapshot ledger reports export increased to include 10,000 rows
  • Include browser and device data with all capture widget-related activities
  • Pre-fill the current user's email address as the recipient when sending a test email
  • Support using number and phone attributes to match activities with entry activity in journeys
  • Customer's phone number country code is used to apply "waking hours" check when location doesn't match
  • Order of emoji reactions in Email footers have been swapped to run left-to-right
  • Option to remove language drop down in preference centre
  • Fields selected in mapping stage of Salesforce setup couldn't be used in Selective sync step
  • Allow setting decimal and currency type fields to 0 via Update field journey action
  • When exporting a report from the dashboard, the new timeframe was not reflected



What's new
  • All outgoing emails for Talk will now collect replies via the authenticated from email address to increase brand trust and deliverability
  • Control how default primary records are selected when managing duplicate records
  • Chargebee transaction activities now support multi-currency transactions and correctly convert back to the account's default currency
  • New Pipedrive actions: Add a lead and Update organization field
  • Add multiple advertising accounts within a single Facebook data source
  • Choose whether a Talk conversation summary is included in Email notifications
  • Allow using Talk inbox only for emails, without turning on the chat messenger
  • Trying to distribute the sending of a bulk email campaign in small batches across long intervals was using a larger-than-selected batch size
  • Tracked forms were not included in the list of options to build Journey entry criteria when selecting "They submit a form or survey"
  • All system activities with Geolocation data are now selectable when building a Geo report
  • All web/user session attributes are now included when sending activity to Salesforce
What's new
  • Tag users who fill out a capture form
  • Choose whether Knowledge base article feedback generates a conversation or not
  • Host files directly within Knowledge base (rather than linking to a hosted file URL)
  • Date field was blank for Reports when grouping by date
  • Knowledge base article preview was blank in Safari browser
What's new:
  • Use your own domain for link tracking with SMS
  • Added an application toggle to our Help site search to filter results for Ortto vs Autopilot articles
  • Salesforce journey condition for checking Campaign membership status can now match against multiple statuses at once
  • Can now control whether you want to track campaign attribution against sends, opens or clicks
  • Control whether customers replying to an old Talk conversation will re-open that conversation or start a new one
  • Campaign name added to Salesforce task title and status updated to be completed
  • Filter Talk conversations by "not rated"
  • Added a "move to category" button to the knowledge base articles index and when viewing an individual article
  • Folders now support 3 levels instead of 2 across the application
  • Add current term start and end date to Stripe "Subscription change" activity
  • Contact subscription preference changes made on non-US region accounts may not have been saved
  • Filters built using the "tag added" activity and a 'Where" clause were not returning any results
  • Journeys using recurring day triggers with timezone optimization would schedule the contact's unique entry time but not re-check criteria for last-minute changes
  • Pasting content into a Knowledge base article did not create relevant table of contents items
  • Liquid code added to a campaign "from name" was not being evaluated in the preview



What's new
  • Group the counts for each individual item selected, not the specific collections, in a multi-select field/attribute when building a report
  • Talk chat window now shows all recent conversations, instead of just opened, so it's easy to see recently closed conversations
  • Use the 'Price' custom field type to store specific currency values
  • Control full timing and behaviour of an A/B test for a Journey message
  • Added a region selector when setting up a Segment webhook data source to control where data is sent
  • Multi-path condition filters can now be linked to the journey entry activity or specified to have happened since the contact entered the journey
  • Duplicate or rename a path within a multi-condition journey shape
  • Added 'clear_fields' option to Merge Person API call to explicitly clear existing field values before applying new values
  • Email preview was broken when viewing email online, reacting or forwarding
  • Talk saved replies with unsupported characters would cause a crash when inserting the reply
  • Can now create an 'aggregate' custom field from the custom field index
  • Capture widgets that are auto-translated by browsers will now submit the original button value, not the translated version
  • 'Conversation assigned' activity was not recorded when a conversation was auto-assigned by an assignment rule
  • A report created within a folder was incorrectly added as unfiled
What's new:
  • Edit the content of tagged elements in your HTML files uploaded for email campaigns
  • Chose to sync Ortto activities to Salesforce as activities or tasks
  • Exported table reports now include 500 rows (up from 100)
  • All Salesforce objects besides Contact are now optional to sync
  • Campaign review step now includes link text on links summary to help identify link source
  • Re-authenticate Salesforce data source with a new user without disconnecting
  • Using a Selective Sync on a Salesforce object and choosing to unsubscribe contacts who no longer meet the selective sync wasn't working



What's new:
  • Greater customisation is now possible on Preference Centre content, style and translations
  • Easily view data retention usage breakdown across activities
  • Send a Slack notification on Capture form submission
  • Added submission URL to Tracked form submission activity
  • New option to capture Tracked form submissions on pages containing a certain URL snippet
  • Can now set the Find_Strategy for your Tracking code
  • Merge strategy configuration section added for Recurly data source
  • Salesforce data source wasn't saving Organisation Merge strategy changes when lead conversion was turned on
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